Tuesday, May 1, 2007


on matters of the future

what the boy said:i mean exactly what i said, forget law school and become a writer.
what the girl said: dirty words kiddo
his response: never was one to wash out my mouth

on matters of the heart

what the boy said:how far would you be willing to go for love
what the girl said:depends, how far would you walk with me?
his response: to the end of this earth.
her response: I’ll think about it.

small talk

what the boy said: lol. your poetry is showing.
what the girl said:gee kiddo, make my night.
his response:will do.
her response:you make me laugh

on breakfast

what the boy said:i made potatoes for dinner, it made me think about what it would be like to cook you breakfast.
what the girl said: i like oatmeal
his response:what about those chocolate chip pancakes i promised you
her response: still sounds good to me.
his response: you gotta let me fix you breakfast this summer.
her response:plan on staying for breakfast one of these days?
he says: you know it.


his: nite, i love u.
hers: night.

--------------------------end transmittion----------------------------------------------

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